Dr. Md. Milan Hossain
Head of the Department
The Department of Law currently offers three programs: i. LL.B (Hons) for 4 Years ii. LL.M (1 Year) and iii. LL.M (2 Years). The Department always gives priority over quality education, research and mooting for creating future academicians, judges, magistrates and advocates. Accordingly, we set our academic curriculum, co-curricular and extra- curricular activities.
Our faculties are our strength. We have very co-operative, energetic, qualified and updated faculties (teachers) who come from University of Dhaka, Chittagong University, Rajshahi University, Jagannath University and prominent private universities. They will not only take classes in the class rooms, but they will also give time in their desks for counseling students. If any student cannot understand any topic, he/she can go to the concerned teacher’s desk. In order to provide our students practical court oriented knowledge and upgrade their confidence, in each semester we appoint senior judges & advocates of the Supreme Court to conduct court practice oriented courses.
In each semester we arrange civil & criminal mock trial in the moot court (shadow court) where our students perform as advocates and judges; we also offer legal research methodology as a mandatory course in which students need to conduct legal research and face research defence; we arrange workshops on different current issues and laws; we also arrange semester beginning & ending meetings for exchanging views with the students for their betterment and development. In order to engage our students in creative activities and for creating their leadership ability, currently one Club named Law Club & 7 wings are working under the vibrant leadership of our beloved students. The wings are- i. Mooting & Debate Wing, ii. Research & Writing Wing, iii. ‘Legal Knowledge for All’ Wing, iv. Anchoring & Presentation Wing, v. Cultural Wing, vi. Humanity & Morality Wing and vii. Decoration & Photography Wing. The members of Law Club and different Wings arrange different workshops on mooting, debate, research methodology, and current legal issues.
Our beloved students regularly participate and perform in different seminars, workshops, mooting and research competitions in different universities of the country; and they are showing very good performances in these programs. Our students achieved the Spirit of the Jessup Award, 2018; they stood 1st, 2nd and 3rd in the District Legal Aid Quiz Competition, Cumilla 2018 & 2nd in the Constitutional Quiz Competition at Cumilla University Law Department; they also gained 3rd position in the research methodology workshop at East West University. Our students have also qualified in the Judicial Service and Bar Council exams.
The Department regularly arranges cultural programs, study tour and picnics for nursing our culture, practical knowledge and above all, recreation programs for mental refreshment of the students where teachers and students come at very close and can know each other. Under this excellent environment, our students always get ample opportunities to upgrade themselves, upgrade the Department and the University. Apart from these, they know that there are lots of opportunities waiting for them. By studying law they may become judges, magistrates, teachers, advocates, BCS cadres, law officers, human rights activists and after all, work as social engineers. From all corners they will find us in their journey at the University to make them competent citizens and good human beings. We believe our graduates would contribute to bring qualitative changes in the society.
Due to proper nursing, guiding and ensuring friendly environment we have a very good relationship among the teachers and students. Our students as well as we think we are a family. They hold the Department; own the Department and respect all the teachers, officers and staff of the University.